At Railway Dental surgery we are certified Invisalign providers, which gives our patients more options with regard to orthodontic treatment. Many of our patients don’t like the idea of wearing traditional braces even white ones and Invisalign clear retainers are very discrete and offer a real alternative for these patients who may otherwise never feel that orthodontic treatment was for them.
Many people who are not happy with their smile feel more confident after improving it which can be of great benefit in both personal and professional lives.
Please contact the surgery for more info
Six Month Smiles
Dr Frances Little was one of the first six month smiles providers in the area. For patients who are over 18 and do not wish to wear braces for a period of 18months or more, six month smiles is a great option for many. Many patients are suitable as long as major bite corrections are not required. By Utilising the latest technology, these tooth coloured braces can move your teeth quickly and safely. They are a great treatment option for many who had previously been told their only option were 2 years of braces or to get veneers. Most people’s treatment times are 4-9months and they attend once a month for adjustments.
Please contact the surgery to discuss if you are a candidate.
Railway Dental Surgery
24 College street
Cavan, Co. Cavan
Call: 049 4380511
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours:
Monday: 9.00am – 5.30pm
Tuesday: 9.00am – 8.00pm
Wednesday: 9.00am – 5.30pm
Thursday: 9.00am – 8.00pm
Friday: 9.00am – 5.30pm